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Face au drapeau. English Page 3



  Half an hour later the Count d'Artigas and Captain Spade werefollowing the beech-lined road that separated the Healthful Houseestate from the right bank of the Neuse. Both had taken leave of thedirector, the latter declaring himself greatly honored by their visit,and the former thanking him warmly for his courteous reception. Ahundred-dollar bill left as a tip for the staff of the establishmenthad certainly not belied the Count's reputation for generosity. Hewas--there could be no doubt about it--a foreigner of the highestdistinction, if distinction be measured by generosity.

  Issuing by the gate at the main entrance to Healthful House, they hadskirted the wall that surrounded the property, and which was highenough to preclude the possibility of climbing it. Not a word passedbetween them for some time; the Count was deep in thought and CaptainSpade was not in the habit of addressing him without being firstspoken to.

  At last when they stood beneath the rear wall behind which, though itwas not visible, the Count knew Pavilion No. 17 was situated, he said:

  "You managed, I presume, to thoroughly explore the place, and areacquainted with every detail of it?"

  "Certainly, _Count_" replied Captain Spade, emphasizing the title.

  "You are perfectly sure about it?"

  "Perfectly. I could go through the park with my eyes shut. If youstill persist in carrying out your scheme the pavilion can be easilyreached."

  "I do persist, Spade."

  "Notwithstanding Thomas Roch's mental condition?"

  "Notwithstanding his condition; and if we succeed in carrying himoff----"

  "That is my affair. When night comes on I undertake to enter the parkof Healthful House, and then the pavilion garden without being seen byanybody."

  "By the entrance gate?"

  "No, on this side."

  "Yes, but on this side there is the wall, and if you succeed inclimbing it, how are you going to get over it again with Thomas Roch?What if the madman cries out--what if he should resist--what if hiskeeper gives the alarm?"

  "Don't worry yourself in the least about that. We have only got to goin and come out by this door."

  Captain Spade pointed to a narrow door let into the wall a fewpaces distant, and which was doubtless used by the staff of theestablishment when they had occasion to go out by the river.

  "That is the way I propose to go in. It's much easier than scaling thewall with a ladder."

  "But the door is closed."

  "It will open."

  "Has it no bolts?"

  "Yes, but I shot them back while we were strolling about, and thedirector didn't notice what I had done."

  "How are you going to open it?" queried the Count, going to the door.

  "Here is the key," replied Spade, producing it.

  He had withdrawn it from the lock, where it happened to be, when hehad unbolted the door.

  "Capital!" exclaimed the Count. "It couldn't be better. The businesswill be easier than I expected. Let us get back to the schooner. Ateight o'clock one of the boats will put you ashore with five men."

  "Yes, five men will do," said Captain Spade. "There will be enough ofthem to effect our object even if the keeper is aroused and it becomesnecessary to put him out of the way."

  "Put him out of the way--well, if it becomes absolutely necessary ofcourse you must, but it would be better to seize him too and bring himaboard the _Ebba_ Who knows but what he has already learned a part ofRoch's secret?"


  "Besides, Thomas Roch is used to him, and I don't propose to make himchange his habitudes in any way."

  This observation was accompanied by such a significant smile thatCaptain Spade could entertain no doubt as to the role reserved for thewarder of Healthful House.

  The plan to kidnap them both was thus settled, and appeared to haveevery chance of being successful; unless during the couple of hours ofdaylight that yet remained it was noticed that the key of the door hadbeen stolen and the bolts drawn back, Captain Spade and his men couldat least count upon being able to enter the park, and the rest, thecaptain affirmed, would be easy enough.

  Thomas Roch was the only patient in the establishment isolated andkept under special surveillance. All the other invalids lived in themain building, or occupied pavilions in the front of the park. Theplan was to try and seize Roch and Gaydon separately and bind and gagthem before they could cry out.

  The Count d'Artigas and his companion wended their way to a creekwhere one of the _Ebba's_ boats awaited them. The schooner wasanchored two cable lengths from the shore, her sails neatly rolledupon her yards, which were squared as neatly as those of a pleasureyacht or of a man-of-war. At the peak of the mainmast a narrow redpennant was gently swayed by the wind, which came in fitful puffs fromthe east.

  The Count and the captain jumped into the boat and a few strokes ofthe four oars brought them alongside of the schooner. They climbedon deck and going forward to the jib-boom, leaned over the starboardbulwark and gazed at an object that floated on the water a few strokesahead of the vessel. It was a small buoy that was rocked by the rippleof the ebbing tide.

  Twilight gradually set in, and the outline of New-Berne on the leftbank of the sinuous Neuse became more and more indistinct until itdisappeared in the deepening shades of night. A mist set in from thesea, but though it obscured the moon it brought no sign of rain. Thelights gleamed out one by one in the houses of the town. The fishingsmacks came slowly up the river to their anchorage, impelled by theoars of their crews which struck the water with sharp, rhythmicalstrokes, and with their sails distended on the chance of catching anoccasional puff of the dropping wind to help them along. A couple ofsteamers passed, sending up volumes of black smoke and myriads ofsparks from their double stacks, and lashing the water into foam withtheir powerful paddles.

  At eight o'clock the Count d'Artigas appeared on the schooner's deckaccompanied by a man about fifty years of age, to whom he remarked:

  "It is time to go, Serko."

  "Very well, I will tell Spade," replied Serko.

  At that moment the captain joined them.

  "You had better get ready to go," said the Count.

  "All is ready."

  "Be careful to prevent any alarm being given, and arrange matters sothat no one will for a minute suspect that Thomas Roch and his keeperhave been brought on board the _Ebba_."

  "They wouldn't find them if they came to look for them," observedSerko, shrugging his shoulders and laughing heartily as though he hadperpetrated a huge joke.

  "Nevertheless, it is better not to arouse their suspicion," saidd'Artigas.

  The boat was lowered, and Captain Spade and five sailors took theirplaces in it. Four of the latter got out the oars. The boatswain,Effrondat, who was to remain in charge of the boat, went to the sternbeside Captain Spade and took the tiller.

  "Good luck, Spade," said Serko with a smile, "and don't make morenoise about it than if you were a gallant carrying off his lady-love."

  "I won't--unless that Gaydon chap--"

  "We must have both Roch and Gaydon," insisted the Count d'Artigas.

  "That is understood," replied Spade.

  The boat pushed off, and the sailors on the deck of the schoonerwatched it till it was lost to sight in the darkness.

  Pending its return, no preparations for the _Ebba's_ departure weremade. Perhaps there was no intention of quitting the port after themen had been kidnapped. Besides, how could the vessel have reached theopen sea? Not a breath of air was now stirring, and in half an hourthe tide would be setting in again, and rising strongly and rapidlyfor several miles above New-Berne.

  Anchored, as has already been said, a couple of cable-lengths from theshore, the _Ebba_ might have been brought much nearer to it, for thewater was deep enough, and this would have facilitated the task of thekidnappers when they returned from their expedition. If, however, theCount d'Artigas preferred to let the vessel stay where she was, heprobably had his reasons.

t a soul was in sight on the bank, and the road, with its bordersof beech trees that skirted the wall of Healthful House estate, wasequally deserted. The boat was made fast to the shore. Then CaptainSpade and his four sailors landed, leaving the boatswain in charge,and disappeared amid the trees.

  When they reached the wall Captain Spade stopped and the sailors drewup on each side of the doorway. The captain had only to turn the keyin the lock and push the door, unless one of the servants, noticingthat the door was not secured as usual, had bolted it. In this eventtheir task would be an extremely difficult one, even if they succeededin scaling the high wall.

  The captain put his ear to the key-hole and listened.

  Not a sound was to be heard in the park. Not even a leaf was rustlingin the branches of the beeches under which they were standing. Thesurrounding country was wrapt in the profoundest silence.

  Captain Spade drew the key from his pocket, inserted it in the lockand turned it noiselessly. Then he cautiously pushed the door, whichopened inward.

  Things were, then, just as he had left them, and no one had noticedthe theft of the key.

  After assuring himself that nobody happened to be in the neighborhoodof the pavilion the captain entered, followed by his men. The door wasleft wide open, so that they could beat a hurried and uninterruptedretreat in case of necessity. The trees and bushes in this shady partof the park were very thick, and it was so dark that it would not havebeen easy to distinguish the pavilion had not a light shone brightlyin one of the windows.

  No doubt this was the window of the room occupied by Roch and hisguardian, Gaydon, seeing that the latter never left the patient placedin his charge either by night or day. Captain Spade had expected tofind him there.

  The party approached cautiously, taking the utmost precaution to avoidkicking a pebble or stepping on a twig, the noise of which might haverevealed their presence. In this way they reached the door of thepavilion near which was the curtained window of the room in which thelight was burning.

  But if the door was locked, how were they going to get in? CaptainSpade must have asked himself. He had no key, and to attempt to effectan entrance through the window would be hazardous, for, unless Gaydoncould be prevented from giving the alarm, he would rouse the wholeestablishment.

  There was no help for it, however. The essential was to get possessionof Roch. If they could kidnap Gaydon, too, in conformity with theintentions of the Count d'Artigas, so much the better. If not--

  Captain Spade crept stealthily to the window, and standing on tiptoe,looked in. Through an aperture in the curtain he could see all overthe room.

  Gaydon was standing beside Thomas Roch, who had not yet recovered fromthe fit with which he had been attacked during the Count d'Artigas'visit. His condition necessitated special attention, and the warderwas ministering to the patient under the direction of a third person.

  The latter was one of the doctors attached to Healthful House, and hadbeen at once sent to the pavilion by the director when Roch'sparoxysm came on. His presence of course rendered the situation morecomplicated and the work of the kidnappers more difficult.

  Roch, fully dressed, was extended upon a sofa. He was now fairly calm.The paroxysm, which was abating, would be followed by several hours oftorpor and exhaustion.

  Just as Captain Spade peeped through the window the doctor was makingpreparations to leave. The Captain heard him say to Gaydon that his(the doctor's) presence was not likely to be required any more thatnight, and that there was nothing to be done beyond following theinstructions he had given.

  The doctor then walked towards the door, which, it will be remembered,was close to the window in front of which Spade and his men werestanding. If they remained where they were they could not fail to beseen, not only by the doctor, but by the warder, who was accompanyinghim to the door.

  Before they made their appearance, however, the sailors, at a signfrom their chief, had dispersed and hidden themselves behind thebushes, while Spade himself crouched in the shadow beneath the window.Luckily Gaydon had not brought the lamp with him, so that the captainwas in no danger of being seen.

  As he was about to take leave of Gaydon, the doctor stopped on thestep and remarked:

  "This is one of the worst attacks our patient has had. One or two morelike that and he will lose the little reason he still possesses."

  "Just so," said Gaydon. "I wonder that the director doesn't prohibitall visitors from entering the pavilion. Roch owes his present attackto a Count d'Artigas, for whose amusement harmful questions were putto him."

  "I will call the director's attention to the matter," responded thedoctor.

  He then descended the steps and Gaydon, leaving the door of thepavilion ajar, accompanied him to the end of the path.

  When they had gone Captain Spade stood up, and his men rejoined him.

  Had they not better profit by the chance thus unexpectedly affordedthem to enter the room and secure Roch, who was in a semi-comatosecondition, and then await Gaydon's return, and seize the warder as heentered?

  This would have involved considerable risk. Gaydon, at a glance, wouldperceive that his patient was missing and raise an alarm; the doctorwould come running back; the whole staff of Healthful House wouldturn out, and Spade would not have time to escape with his preciousprisoner and lock the door in the wall after him.

  He did not have much chance to deliberate about it, for the warder washeard returning along the gravel path. Spade decided that the bestthing to be done was to spring upon him as he passed and stiflehis cries and overpower him before he could attempt to offer anyresistance. The carrying off of the mad inventor would be easy enough,inasmuch as he was unconscious, and could not raise a finger to helphimself.

  Gaydon came round a clump of bushes and approached the entrance to thepavilion. As he raised his foot to mount the steps the four sailorssprang upon him, bore him backwards to the ground, and had gagged him,securely bound him hand and foot, and bandaged his eyes before hebegan to realize what had happened.

  Two of the men then kept guard over him, while Captain Spade and theothers entered the house.

  As the captain had surmised, Thomas Roch had sunk into such a torporthat he could have heard nothing of what had been going on outside.Reclining at full length, with his eyes closed, he might have beentaken for a dead man but for his heavy breathing. There was no needeither to bind or gag him. One man took him by the head and another bythe feet and started off with him to the schooner.

  Captain Spade was the last to quit the house after extinguishing thelamp and closing the door behind him. In this way there was no reasonto suppose that the inmates would be missed before morning.

  Gaydon was carried off in the same way as Thomas Roch had been. Thetwo remaining sailors lifted him and bore him quietly but rapidly downthe path to the door in the wall. The park was pitch dark. Not even aglimmer of the lights in the windows of Healthful House could be seenthrough the thick foliage.

  Arrived at the wall, Spade, who had led the way, stepped aside toallow the sailors with their burdens to pass through, then followedand closed and locked the door. He put the key in his pocket,intending to throw it into the Neuse as soon as they were safely onboard the schooner.

  There was no one on the road, nor on the bank of the river.

  The party made for the boat, and found that Effrondat, the boatswain,had made all ready to receive them.

  Thomas Roch and Gaydon were laid in the bottom of the boat, and thesailors again took their places at the oars.

  "Hurry up, Effrondat, and cast off the painter," ordered the captain.

  The boatswain obeyed, and pushed the boat off with his foot as hescrambled in.

  The men bent to their oars and rowed rapidly to the schooner, whichwas easily distinguishable, having hung out a light at her mizzenmasthead.

  In two minutes they were alongside.

  The Count d'Artigas was leaning on the bulwarks by the gangway.

  "All right, Spade?" he questioned. />
  "Yes, sir, all right!"

  "Both of them?"

  "Both the madman and his keeper."

  "Doesn't anybody know about it up at Healthful House?

  "Not a soul."

  It was not likely that Gaydon, whose eyes and ears were bandaged, butwho preserved all his sang-froid, could have recognized the voices ofthe Count d'Artigas and Captain Spade. Nor did he have the chance to.No attempt was immediately made to hoist him on board. He had beenlying in the bottom of the boat alongside the schooner for fullyhalf an hour, he calculated, before he felt himself lifted, and thenlowered, doubtless to the bottom of the hold.

  The kidnapping having been accomplished it would seem that it onlyremained for the _Ebba_ to weigh anchor, descend the estuary and makeher way out to sea through Pamlico Sound. Yet no preparations fordeparture were made.

  Was it not dangerous to stay where they were after their daringraid? Had the Count d'Artigas hidden his prisoners so securely as topreclude the possibility of their being discovered if the _Ebba_,whose presence in proximity to Healthful House could not fail toexcite suspicion, received a visit from the New-Berne police?

  However this might have been, an hour after the return of theexpedition, every soul on board save the watch--the Count d'Artigas,Serko, and Captain Spade in their respective cabins, and the crew inthe fore-castle, were sound asleep.